Save the Date: Tuesday, February 21th from 5:30-7:30pm is the annual WarriorBots Robot Reveal at Muskego High School.
Merchandise Orders: We have finally gotten everything final for the spirit wear store for the year. (Thanks to Mrs. Maupin for dealing with the hassles this year.)
*** This is different than last year, so please read carefully. Please contact and if you have any questions or concerns.***
We are sorry for how this worked out but there are three ways to order: 1. Polos / T-shirts for Students / Mentors through a Google Form, 2. Spirit Wear (excluding 2023 t-shirts with yearly logo and sponsors) through an online store; 3. 2023 t-shirts through a Google Form (for some reason the vendor was not willing to put the 2023 t-shirt on the online store this year.)
Student/Mentor Wear for competitions: (All parents and students should have received an Infinite Campus message last week with the information, but some things have changed since then.)
If you haven’t already, every student (and mentor) needs to complete the google form by clicking the following link for ordering Team Polos and T-shirt:
ntTzaff6UYzQ63CX8 First Year Students – qty 2 red polos, qty 1 black WarriorBots logo t-shirt, qty 1 2023 Season t-shirt color black – Total $89.00
Returning Students – qty 1 black WarriorBots logo t-shirt, qty 1 2023 Season t-shirt color black – Total $31.00
NOTE: Returning students that need/want new polos please contact for what you want to order and a total price.
Mentor – qty 1 gray polo, qty 1 black WarriorBots logo t-shirt, qty 1 2023 Season t-shirt color black – Total $57.00 (price for one) NOTE: Mentors also have the option for NO polo.
- Contact Dan Miron if you want different quantities.
Money Due: Saturday, January 28, 2023 (new date). Make checks payable to “Muskego High School” with “WarriorBots” in the memo field, or cash (please place in envelope with student name on outside). Please give it to Dan Miron.
TEAM STORE for ADDITIONAL Apparel: Click Here for the website with the team store:
shop/s2JNqe2R2P , This is to order *** ADDITIONAL *** apparel like hoodies, 1/4 zips, and hats. This store will close on Tuesday February 7, 2023 and you must pay online at the time of the order. Attached is a flier with available items and a size chart. EXTRA 2023 T-Shirt with yearly logo (front) and sponsors (back): Please complete the google form for additional yearly t-shirts (students will already get one, so this is if you want an extra or for parents, etc.) by clicking the following link:
CxxKvW6urAwJ1kh3A Money Due: Saturday, January 28, 2023. Make checks payable to “Muskego High School” with “WarriorBots” in the memo field, or cash (please place in envelope with student name on outside). Please give it to Dan Miron.
The Intake team has continued to work on their gripper and claw mechanism this past week. They have tested several materials for their claws to help with weight. They have also worked on the out of bumper portion by testing ways to move the system to the game pieces instead of the other way around.
The Handling team has finalized their elevator and the programming team has code working that will set the elevator to a position. They have also continued to work on their gravity counterbalancing arm to make the arm “weightless”. The team plans to begin CAD for the design and begin manufacturing a final arm design.
Charge Platform
The Charge Station team has finished their first prototype and has begun their second version to further improve on their design and fix some minor issues they encountered. They plan to finish the prototype and begin programming its movement.
Are you following our Instagram account? If not, you are missing the “Where’s Waldo: cone edition” series.