2023 Week 8 Update

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Northern Lights

This past week the team competed in Duluth, Minnesota at the Northern Lights Regional. The team made it to eliminations as the 4th alliance captain along with team 6574 Ferradermis and team 1792 Roundtable Robotics. Overall the team did well placing as the 5th alliance out of 59 total teams in qualification matches and being eliminated in semifinals.

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After Northern Lights the Mechanical reflected on their design and what needed to be repaired and redesigned. In the coming weeks they plan to reinforce and rebuild areas of the robot that received high levels of wear. In addition they plan to revisit their intake design, possibly going back to the original design from earlier this year.

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Also taking time to reflect after the team’s first competition the programming team has decided on some improvements they hope to make to the code. They hope to continue working and refining their limelight vision to assist drivers during matches. In addition they also hope to keep working on their autonomous code to attempt to score 2 game pieces during the autonomous period.