

More information coming soon.

The mechanical team is the core of the robot. They design and build the robot from the ground up. This subteam is often split into smaller subteams which each work on a certain part of the robot. This process starts with designing, in which mechanical creates a solution and designs a part to accomplish that solution. From there, before the part can be manufactured and put on the robot, the part is prototyped and made in CAD to ensure that it will work. Only then does mechanical manufacture and mount the part on the robot.

The electrical subteam does all of the wiring for the team. Electrical is usually done by people who are already in mechanical. Electrical is like the nervous system of the robot, making sure signals get where they need to be.

“Programming makes a good robot great.”

The programming subteam works with both the electrical and mechanical subteams to move the parts that mechanical installed and electrical wired. Programming uses the Visual Studio Code IDE in the Java programming language.
