2023 Week 6 Update


Northern Lights Regional: The team will be competing at the Northern Lights Regional competition from March 1-4. You can find more information here Northern Lights Regional (2023) – The Blue Alliance. We will send out a link for the livestream when one is released.

Sussex Week 0

This past weekend the team competed in a week 0 competition at Hamilton High School. They were able to use this competition to get practice driving against other robots on a full field. They were also able to collect data on the robot and observe how each of the subsystems will perform and make adjustments to improve the robot.

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Using data collected from our performance and the other robots at the Sussex competition the mechanical team has planned several modifications to make to the robot. They have determined what areas of the robot are in need of improvement or a redesign and what areas will perform as intended. In addition the mechanical team has continued to work on their out of bumper intake.

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After testing out their code at competition the programming team has identified and begun to resolve several problems they have found with the code. They have already fixed several problems making the robot easier to control and drive.