TWIST Tech Challenge

June 21st, 2025

TWIST (Together, Women in STEM Thrive) is a FIRST Robotics event with a twist, centered around creating an empowering and inclusive environment for girls to take their skills to the next level.

Tech Challenge Event Information

June 21st, 2024

(Field Setup and Load-In, Practice matches if time permits June 20th)

Event Location

Muskego High School
W185S8750 Racine Ave, Muskego, WI 53150


This event is dedicated to providing an opportunity for girls to show their strengths in a predominantly male-dominated field. Through this event, we hope to contribute to closing the gender gap in STEM and promoting inclusive team cultures. We are excited to bring a twist to traditional off-season events to inspire women in STEM!

Drive Teams

Drive teams must consist of female/non-binary students, and said students are encouraged to participate in leading roles in all aspects of the competition. There are no restrictions on pit crew or the support in the stands; bring the whole team for an exciting day of robot action!

Not enough girls for a drive team?

Still want to participate? We will be helping to facilitate partner teams as well to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to compete! However, we encourage you to use this as an opportunity to recruit and help keep girls engaged in robotics.

Number of Teams

We are aiming to have 16 teams attend at this time. If there is demand for more spots, we will assess that at a later time. Check out the Currently Registered Teams list below!


Cost: $50 (Thank you sponsors for helping subsidize the registration fee!)

Registration Grant:

TWIST as an event is dedicated to making FIRST and STEM accessible to all. The intention of this grant is to help eliminate a barrier of entry for interested teams so that they are able to provide this opportunity to their students. This grant will cover the registration fee for teams attending TWIST Tech Challenge 2025 . The teams who receive this grant will remain anonymous. We would like to thank our amazing event sponsors for making this opportunity possible!  Sign ups will open in late February!

We Need Volunteers!

TWIST Robotics Competition 2024 needed over 110 amazing volunteers to run, and we need your help to make this year possible! Full day and time slot roles are available, key volunteer role priority will be assigned to women volunteers. Sign ups will open in late February!

Contact Us

Have any questions? Please email us at

Registration will open ~late February, thank you for your patience!

Schedule will be released closer to the event, thank you for your patience!

The awards list will be released closer to the event, thank you so much for your patience!

  • What is a partner team?
    • A partner team is two teams worth of people working together to compete with one robot with the intention of allowing teams to compete without enough female and nonbinary members for a full drive team. When registering for the event, please note if you would be interested in competing as part of a partner team and we will help facilitate. Partner teams will each only be required to pay half of the registration cost as well.
  • What counts as the “drive team”?
    • We define the drive team as the following 4 team members: Drive coach, Human Player, and up to two robot Drivers. If you have any questions about this, please send us an email!
  • Will there be food?
    • We will have concessions available on site during the event. There are a few fast-food options in the immediate area if desired.
  • How will playoffs work?
    • We are planning on running as many alliances as we have teams to complete, up to 8 if at least 16 teams are registered.
  • Are there awards?
    • YES! We will have a number of judged and team nominated awards presented at TWIST.
  • Are we able to submit two robots?
    • As capacity allows, we will allow for registered teams to submit a second robot closer to the event. At this time, we are not planning to offer a lower registration fee for second bots as the overall fee for teams is already sponsor supported.
  • What will our pit look like?
    • Each team is expected to receive a 10×10’ area with power access and floor coverings provided if requested by our host school. We are working with our school to allot enough tables for teams to each have one. Pits will be located in the same gym as the field.